Relationship affects your interactions with other vassals, and becomes very important if you start your own Kingdom.

Similarly, if your granting of a fief to a lord at -100 apparent and -125 real relations, gaining 15 points will not be enough to bring the value into the range visible in-game, and thus would allow its apparent value to remain unchanged. So if such a lord has a real value of +125 and would lose 15 relations from not being given a fief, the apparent value doesn't change. Thus, if a character is shown to be at +100, the real value could be bigger. This may be because while the game does not show values below the apparent minimum and maximums, such values can still exist and be used in the game's calculations. Similar results occur when you try to please a lord at -100. For example, a vassal with a relationship of +100 toward you may not mind if you give other vassals fiefs. Note that once your Relationship with a vassal reaches +100, it sometimes doesn't deteriorate as it usually would. While your character's relationship to factions and towns/villages always starts at 0, vassals can start with a better or worse impression on you, based on their personalities. Supporting them usually improves your relationship with them, while fighting or disappointing them harms it. Your Relationship towards a vassal, faction, town, or village exhibits how much they trust or like you.